Watershed Plan
There is a committee that is working on applying for a grant to have a comprehensive Watershed Management Study done. This is a separate committee and not solely made up of APPA members but we (APPA) do have a few members on the committee. The Watershed Study is a multi year undertaking and will ultimately provide the information on what is coming into the Pond and where it is coming from and a plan and cost to mitigate the findings. The study will be done by a company that has expertise in this area and has recently done similar studies locally. The watershed study will take time, we need to apply for a grant to fund the study and then apply for a grant to fund the mitigation plan.
Ultimately this will cost in excess of $500,000 so we need to have a plan ready for action. Just know this is a multi year plan not a quick fix but it needs to be done.
For notes to the committee presentation at APPA Annual Meeting see here.