About APPA
Our mission is to maintain, protect, and enhance the quality of Arlington Pond in Salem, NH and its surroundings for the collective interests of our members and the general public.
Howie Glynn Sr., President
Phil Cammarata, Vice President
Ray Dufresne, Treasurer
Colleen Tormey, Secretary
Vince Balukonis
Aric Berner
Beverly Connell
Tom Connell
Beverly Glynn
Howie Glynn Jr.
Howie Glynn III
John Klipfel
Emily LeBoeuf
Harry Nelson
Ron Oldeman
Tom Pare
Art Viola
Carrie Wieland
Recent APPA activities include:
Recently renegotiated water rights agreement with the town for an additional 50 years
Dam repairs through voter support and grants
Yearly water testing and aquatic vegetation surveys
Addressing improvement of the water quality
Maintaining contact with the town to stabilize water levels
Weed control and education
Raising awareness of all pond matters
Purchasing and distributing Goose Away lights strategically around the pond
Purchasing of picnic tables, barbeque cookers and construction of a fire pit on the big island free for all members and guests
Stocking the pond annually with trout
Annual children’s fishing derby with prizes
Encouraging activities and events
Donated a 4 wheeler to the Salem Fire Department to aid rescues and emergencies on the pond when frozen
Installed solar light on the navigation posts and dam
Safety education initiatives