Dock and Beach Maintenance
Projects involving putting in a dock or bringing in sand to fix a beach both need permits.
Docks: Permit are required by the NH Department of Environment Services Wetlands Bureau for the construction of new docks. Generally, you need 75 feet of lake frontage to put in a dock, and the dock must be a minimum of 20 away from abutter’s property line.
Beach Replenishment: Permits are required by the NH Department of Environment Services Wetlands Bureau. Generally, beach replenishment can be done once in any 6 year period. No more than 10 cubic yards of sand can be used. No sand can be put below the high water line or full pond elevation. No work shall be conducted in, or adjacent to, a prime wetland. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be installed prior to start of work
Wetland Guidelines by the Town of Salem for beaches, beach replenishment, docks/boat lifts: Guidelines for beaches, docks, etc.
NH DES Wetlands Bureau website with permit applications and filing instructions: Permit applications